
Create bootable usb win 7
Create bootable usb win 7

On the interface of Etcher, hit the 'Select image' button and browse to load Windows 7 ISO file into the app.

create bootable usb win 7

Step 1: Download Etcher installation file for macOS from the download section of Etcher official website. It is completely free and has an ultra simple user interface. Now, you can use this cool app to create Windows 7 bootable USB on Mac by burning Windows ISO to USB. Later, the author open sourced Etcher project on GitHub and many new features are added to this software. Initially, Etcher is a stand along utility developed by balena team to flashing customized Linux OS to SD card for single-board computer, like Raspberry Pi, Arduino. Create Windows 7 Bootable USB on Mac #2: balenaEtcher

Create bootable usb win 7